Welcome To FediPress – WordPress On Fediverse
Ein Abgesang auf Wordpress: Warum ich das System für meine Webseite in Rente schicke - und was an Textpattern besser ist
Choreografie mit Tänzerinnen und Pneus – Ein atmender Bühnenraum im Dialog mit Tanz, Architektur, Musik. Könnte er abheben?
YunoHost ist ein Serverbetriebssystem, das Self-Hosting für alle ermöglicht. • YunoHost
A lightweight quine for simple wikis!
Trunk allows you to mass-follow a bunch of people in order to get started with Mastodon or any other platform on the Fediverse.
Shaarli Material is a theme for Shaarli, the famous personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service.
Welcome to Shaarli!
Shaarli allows you to bookmark your favorite pages, and share them with others or store them privately.
You can add a description to your bookmarks, such as this one, and tag them.
Create a new shaare by clicking the +Shaare
button, or using any of the recommended tools (browser extension, mobile app, bookmarklet, REST API, etc.).
You can easily retrieve your links, even with thousands of them, using the internal search engine, or search through tags (e.g. this Shaare is tagged with shaarli
and help
Hashtags such as #shaarli #help are also supported.
You can also filter the available RSS feed and picture wall by tag or plaintext search.
We hope that you will enjoy using Shaarli, maintained with ❤️ by the community!
Feel free to open an issue if you have a suggestion or encounter an issue.
Adding a shaare without entering a URL creates a text-only "note" post such as this one.
This note is private, so you are the only one able to see it while logged in.
You can use this to keep notes, post articles, code snippets, and much more.
The Markdown formatting setting allows you to format your notes and bookmark description:
blocksMarkdown also supports tables:
Name | Type | Color | Qty |
Orange | Fruit | Orange | 126 |
Apple | Fruit | Any | 62 |
Lemon | Fruit | Yellow | 30 |
Carrot | Vegetable | Red | 14 |